How it works

6 simple steps

The process explained

To begin with, all we require is your address. We can either take this by phone or email, however it’s often better to talk as we’re always happy to provide an initial informal appraisal over the phone. Every opportunity is different and we treat them as such. Our expert planners assess the potential of your land by looking at the location and its surroundings in context with your local authority’s planning policies. We also research other applications and developments in the area. This only takes a matter of a few days, by which time you’ll have recommendation on the next steps.

If everything looks positive we come out to meet you and look at the land. We give you our recommendations and discuss a proposal to work together either under an option or promotional agreement to achieve planning for you. Once you have had time to consider our proposal and are happy to proceed, the agreement will take the form of a legal document approved between both our solicitors. We are happy to make a contribution to any legal costs incurred by you.

We then commence all the work necessary to make a planning application on your behalf. This is carried out as soon as possible as the application can take anything from 3 to 6 months to be decided and planning policies are always changing. Everything associated to this stage is fully managed and monitored by us including making representation to committees and Parish councils as required. We also commit to making any appeals should that be necessary.

Once approved we adhere to the process as set out in agreement either to purchase the land from you or engage the services of agent to find a buyer. All these processes are done in complete agreement with you at every stage.

At the end of this process you will have maximised the value of your land.

Do you have?

Frequently Asked Questions

When investing our time and money to achieve you planning permission at our risk we understandably require a method to recover our costs and make a profit.

One way we do this is to enter into an “option to purchase” agreement with you. This is where the land remains in your ownership and the option to purchase is only triggered once planning is achieved.

Main points:

  • It binds two parties (a prospective vendor (Landowner) and a prospective purchaser) together exclusively for a specified period of time.
  • The option is legally registered at HM Land Registry alongside all the details of the time-frame and financial agreements.
  • We pick up all the costs of planning.
  • If the conditions for exercising the option are satisfied,(ie. achieving planning permission) we can exercise the right to purchase (call option) at the agreed purchase price.
  • The purchase price may be either a fixed sum or a percentage of the new land value (assessed by and independent surveyor)
  • This agreement is very similar to an Option Agreement in terms of our commitment to achieve you planning at our risk and the obligations we require from you however the land would not be purchased by us.
  • Once planning is achieved we will work with you to appoint an Agent and market the land and find purchaser.
  • The agreement document will contain a pre-agreed percentage of the sales revenue that comes to us.

Under an Option Agreement we take our value by way of a percentage discount from the valuation figure. This discount will vary based on the amount of risk and money we feel needs to be invested but typically you would still receive between 70 and 90% of the full valuation figure. In terms of the promotion agreement, our commission rates are based on similar principles and range between 17.5 and 25% of the final sold price.

You own the land until such time as agreement is triggered and the land is sold. If the agreement lapses because of the time its taking to achieve planning then you continue to own the land as before.

You can be involved as much or as little as you wish. Our main role is to maximise the value of your land. Our aim is to ensure you have the best chance of success balanced against maximising the return to you. We will have produced a sketch scheme as part of our appraisal to ensure you are happy with our proposal.

If planning permission is refused and no alternative scheme is viable then the agreement simply lapses.

No, we will pay for all associated costs of planning.

The legal agreement requires the engagement of solicitors on both sides. We will give you a legal fee contribution of up to £1,000.00 once the documents are signed. In our experience your legal costs should fall well within this budget.

There are a number of reasons why we are committed to achieving planning permission in the shortest time. Firstly we appreciate that planning policies are always changing, and time is of the essence. Secondly, we both have the same objectives; to achieve the maximum value of the land in the shortest amount of time because we are carrying all of the costs. Thirdly we know that the  agreement between us has a defined end date.

Our Specialists

We will go live and engage all the necessary specialist; designers, consultants and surveyors such as:

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Contact us

Please provide any information that may be useful to us, such as a brief description of your land or its location.